Farmscaping is a way to set up your garden to attract good bugs that help you increase crop yields and reduce trouble causing insects.
beneficial insects
Wildflowers for Beneficial Insects
Wildflowers enhance the view and attract beneficial insects. Here are 4 wildflowers and the beneficial insects they attract. All you have to do is leave an area uncut.
Wasps and Pesticides
The only time I use pesticides is on aggressive wasps. As an obsessive organic gardener, here’s why I make this one exception to my “don’t use pesticides rule.”
Selective Sloppiness
In her book The Resilient Gardener, Carol Deppe discusses how selective sloppiness can make your garden better.
Beneficial Insects: Will They Help Your Garden?
Should you restore habituate that attracts beneficial insects or go and buy the insects? Which is the better investment in your garden? Learn more about beneficial insects.