My name is Bill Brikiatis. I started Suburban Hobby Farmer to help you be more successful at growing organic food in your backyard. My blog will provide the information you need to grow better food.
What do I mean by better food? I mean fruits and vegetables that taste better and are more nutritious than you can buy in the grocery store.
I call this kitchen gardening. Kitchen gardening is one of the few pleasurable pastimes that – if done right – can pay. SHF will help you save more money and put the healthiest, best tasting, organic foods on your table.
Best of all, you’ll have the peace of mind that comes with knowing exactly what went into your food.
Let’s take a sec to get the legal words out of the way. This article may contain affiliate links. That means if you click and buy from my partners, I will make a tiny amount of money at no cost to you. This in no way affects my recommendations.
What’s in this blog
My articles range in topics from apple growing and composting to hoop houses, planting and seeds. To help make it easy to find what you want, I’ve organized all the articles by your gardening level:
Beginner – for people just starting out
Intermediate – just a little bit challenging
Expert – you’ve been doing this for a while
Who is Bill Brikiatis
I’m a long-time gardener and website developer who lives with my family in a bedroom community about an hour north of Boston.
For those of you who want to know, my garden is in the USDA plant hardiness zone 5b.
Although I own almost three acres, most of the land is wooded or wetland. So I have a typical, medium-sized backyard with all the normal challenges that the average suburban gardener faces: zoning board restrictions, neighbors with pets, tall trees, construction dirt soil, etc.
I’m not a master gardener and this blog is not written for master gardeners. But the subjects I write about often start with ideas from the best gardening books.
Then they get tested in my backyard and I let you know what works for me. On the other hand, some of the best articles come from my mistakes … so you don’t follow in my footsteps.
I also write about gardening products that make my life easier. You can see my recommendations at Things I Like.
What it all comes down to is I’ve been growing food for a long time. You get to benefit from all the mistakes I’ve made, which is a good thing.
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