OMRI (Organic Materials Review Institute) is a great resource for backyard food growers who want to grow the best food possible. Backyard gardeners don’t have to worry about if it is organic when they use OMRI Listed products.
Chicken Manure Pellets
Chicken manure pellets, a.k.a poultry manure pellets, are an easy, economical way to provide a nitrogen boost to your plants. Learn how to use pellets safely and for maximum benefit in your vegetable garden.
Free Seaweed Fertilizer
Harvesting and using seaweed fertilizer or pond weed as a soil amendment in your fruit and vegetable garden has many benefits: It increases fruit and vegetable production.
Grasscycling and Composting Grass Clippings
We have enough in our landfills already. Composting grass is so easy, and it’s a great way to feed your soil and ultimately your plants.
How to Sterilize Potting Soil
Store bought potting soil sellers have sterilized their soil to kill the bugs in it. You probably don’t want bugs crawling out of your plants and around your house. You can make unlimited amounts of sterile potting soil with this recipe and a gas grill.
5 Gardening Ideas from Building Soils Naturally
In Building Soils Naturally, Phil Nauta’s (a.k.a the Smiling Gardener) builds a case for the idea that the secret to having healthy plants is “great” soil. Then he explains how to make great soil. READ BOOK REVIEW >>