How to get better seedlings. You may be a seed starting expert, but are you practicing all 10 of these tips? Maybe your just starting out. I’ve have had 10 years of experience. Here’s what I’ve learned.
Cold Frame Kits
Cold frame kits make it easy to extend the growing season. Here’s a detailed review of the one I bought plus 2 others I considered. There’s also a FAQ section to answer any questions that you have.
Grow Cucumbers in a Hoop House
Why grow cucumbers in a hoop house? There are two main reasons: First, cucumbers are heat loving plants, and a hoop house lets you plant sooner and grow longer than growing outside. Second …
Grasscycling and Composting Grass Clippings
We have enough in our landfills already. Composting grass is so easy, and it’s a great way to feed your soil and ultimately your plants.
How to Sterilize Potting Soil
Store bought potting soil sellers have sterilized their soil to kill the bugs in it. You probably don’t want bugs crawling out of your plants and around your house. You can make unlimited amounts of sterile potting soil with this recipe and a gas grill.
Saving Green Bean Seeds
Saving green bean seeds is easy. Here is my method: Select your best plants. Mark the seed growing plants & wait. Pick the mature pods. Make sure they are crunchy. Learn more.