In Building Soils Naturally, Phil Nauta’s (a.k.a the Smiling Gardener) builds a case for the idea that the secret to having healthy plants is “great” soil. Then he explains how to make great soil. READ BOOK REVIEW >>
3. Expert -- Somewhat Difficult to Complete
Chicken Tillers Do The Work
Chicken tillers are NOT a brand of tiller. It’s smart people using their chicken to clear and fertilize their backyard garden to get ready for the season, and the chickens like it!
Fish Water for Plants
Using fish water for plants is an unusual, smart and easy way to make fast acting fertilizer for the home garden. Fish water makes great fertilizer!
Testing Garden Strategies
This article makes the case for testing garden strategies before using them throughout the garden. It provides guidelines for how to test in your plot.
Chop and Drop Soil Improvement
Oak House Permaculture explains the chop and drop method of improving the soil. This includes what plants to grow and how chop and drop improves the soil.
Reusing Windows in the Garden
More homeowners are swapping old windows for more energy efficient models. Here are some ideas for reusing windows to extend the growing season and protect your plants from the elements.