OMRI (Organic Materials Review Institute) is a great resource for backyard food growers who want to grow the best food possible. Backyard gardeners don’t have to worry about if it is organic when they use OMRI Listed products.
2. Intermediate -- A Little Difficult to Complete
Chicken Manure Pellets
Chicken manure pellets, a.k.a poultry manure pellets, are an easy, economical way to provide a nitrogen boost to your plants. Learn how to use pellets safely and for maximum benefit in your vegetable garden.
Grow Cucumbers in a Hoop House
Why grow cucumbers in a hoop house? There are two main reasons: First, cucumbers are heat loving plants, and a hoop house lets you plant sooner and grow longer than growing outside. Second …
Seed Starting Mix Recipe
A seed starting mix recipe can have a number of ingredients. Each ingredient will affect your mix & your plants. Learn how to get the best seedlings.
Control Mosquitoes Naturally Around a Pond
Organic gardeners love water features, but so do mosquitoes. Here’s how to control mosquitoes naturally around a pond.
Can Chickens Eat Weeds?
Can chickens eat weeds? Absolutely! Feeding chickens the right kind of weeds can reduce the amount of money you pay for chicken feed and give you healthier chickens.